How to Make Friends While Traveling Solo

Over the years, I’ve collected friends like souvenirs carefully selected before a departure. They’re living mementos of my travels and breathing snapshots of moments captured in time. Scattered across the world, we catch up when we can. It’s always nice to receive a “local’s tour” whenever you visit a faraway city, and I enjoy returning the favor when they come to mine. As a woman who often travels alone, remaining present and intentional in a world that demands hypervigilance can...
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4 Seductive Flirting Tips

The Vignette: “Excuse me, did you say that you work with horses?” a deep voice asked. I looked up from my MacBook with a smile in my eyes. He was leaning towards me, so I held his gaze. “Yes, I love horses. I'm an intuitive coach, and I specialize in equine-assisted healing.”  I’d noticed him glance in my direction when I'd mentioned horses to my friend sitting next to me. I knew it had piqued his interest, but I didn’t...
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Birthday Musings: What 2022 Taught Me

It rained today; on my birthday. It usually does. This morning, I watched the sun rise while lounging on a fluffy, throw pillow next to the glass doors leading into my garden. One door was slightly ajar, and the weather was chilly, but I was quite warm sipping hot, chai tea in my thick, white robe. I’ve always loved how the world smells when it rains, and time seemed to slow down as I watched water droplets dance atop my...
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The Old Hollywood Dilemma and Black Women in Luxury

There’s a meme floating around which reads: “Someone once asked me, if you could go back in time, which era would you choose, and I laughed and said, ‘Honey, I’m Black.’” It’s meant to be satirical, but as a Black woman who’s deeply fascinated by the sultry glamour of Old Hollywood – from its Hollywood regency interior designs to the enigmatic actresses who dominated the silver screens – the shadowy truth of this statement hits home. As it pertains to...
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