3 Ways to Recalibrate Spiritually & Mentally During ...

As I emerge from a prolonged stint of “creative stillness,” a phrase borrowed from Dhayana Alejandrina (to describe “writer’s block), I’ve come to understand that I can never truly write about an experience while it’s “still dark outside.” I named this platform “Muse by Midnight” because I “sparkle in the twilight;” expanding like a nyctinastic plant which moves, breathes and shifts according to a circadian rhythm that reacts in response to darkness. I am in sync with myself – and...
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2023 Birthday Musings: Friendships, Poetry, Death & ...

Nuzzled in a submarine valley of surreality, I am 1,800 meters under water; inhaling sand at the bottom of the world… The Earth is simultaneously blatantly aggressive and dreamlike, and each blink (and rapid closing of my eyes) shuttles me between microcosms, causing vertigo from the ricochet. I am alive, I am stirred. I am drowsing, I am insomnolent. I am asleep, I am entombed. I am inspired, I am still. I am resolute, and I am "cogito, ergo sum" –– thinking...
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Love Letter to Sevilla 🌹

There’s an invisible thread connecting me to Andalusia… When I was a little girl, I spoke fluent Spanish and English. However, by the time I was five years old, no one else around me spoke the language so I lost the ability to speak Spanish. At times, I'm still able to understand small snippets of conversation, so of all the languages that I come into contact with, Spanish sounds (and feels) the most familiar. Years later, when I first began my...
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How to Make Friends While Traveling Solo

Over the years, I’ve collected friends like souvenirs carefully selected before a departure. They’re living mementos of my travels and breathing snapshots of moments captured in time. Scattered across the world, we catch up when we can. It’s always nice to receive a “local’s tour” whenever you visit a faraway city, and I enjoy returning the favor when they come to mine. As a woman who often travels alone, remaining present and intentional in a world that demands hypervigilance can...
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