3 Ways to Recalibrate Spiritually & Mentally During ...

As I emerge from a prolonged stint of “creative stillness,” a phrase borrowed from Dhayana Alejandrina (to describe “writer’s block), I’ve come to understand that I can never truly write about an experience while it’s “still dark outside.” I named this platform “Muse by Midnight” because I “sparkle in the twilight;” expanding like a nyctinastic plant which moves, breathes and shifts according to a circadian rhythm that reacts in response to darkness. I am in sync with myself – and...
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Learning to Trust the Divine Masculine is a Dance

As a patron of the arts, I find beauty in more than just its aesthetic. I often discover spiritual and life truths in the ways that I interpret it. Over the past few years, the Internet has been inundated with discussions about the divine feminine, which physical attributes and internal characteristics are emblematic of “feminine women;” and how feminine energy is defined. However, it appears that amidst the excitement and desire to pursue a specific lifestyle, there’s been a conflation...
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